
Easton Heights Baptist Church

A Community Church with People at Heart

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Preaching Ministry

Pastor Terry Jarrard 

<span font-size:18px"="">He preaches the unvarnished Word of God. Speaking the truth in love and with power.

Music Ministry

BJ Hall - Minister of Music

<span style=">Accompanists are:

  • Organist - Mrs. JoAn Hulen
  • Pianists - Mrs. Sandi Miller & Mrs. Debra Jarrard

Ministry Assistant

Sandi Grammer


We believe in the power of prayer. We believe that God is still in the business of answering prayer. Let us join you in prayer.

Click on the Praying Hands to go to our Prayer Request page. Share your prayer request and your praise reports with us.

Missions and Giving

Easton Heights Baptist is a giving, mission-minded church. We believe in the principle that you can't outgive God. We reach out to the world around us by supporting missions and ministries that have a real impact on lives.

  • Baptist Homes for Children - We have an ongoing push to raise funds to clothe the children in our Baptist Homes for Children. Every Sunday an important part of our service, includes giving to this special effort in honor of those who are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries.
  • The Southern Baptist Cooperative Program - A portion of every dollar received is sent to our convention's Cooperative Program to support ministries and missions in Tulsa, in Oklahoma, in North America, and around the world.
  • Lottie Moon Christmas Offering - Every year during the Christmas season we give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering that supports our convention's International Missions around the world.
  • Annie Armstrong - Every year during the Easter season we give to the Annie Armstrong Offering that supports our convention's North American Missions work.
  • Edna McMillan State Missions Offering - In September of each year we give to the Edna McMillan Offering for missions in the state of Oklahoma.
  • Souper Bowl Sunday and Men's Dessert Contest - Proceeds benefit The Northeastern Oklahoma Foodbank.
  • Thanksgiving Celebration - John 3:16 Mission - Every year at Thanksgiving we celebrate our gratitude for God's provision by supporting John 3:16 Mission. 

Overcomers Outreach

Overcomers Outreach is a Christian 12 Step recovery program. We minister to people who have hurts, habits, and hang-ups. In other words everyone. We are here to share our experience, strength and hope with those who are suffering as we once suffered. Jesus Christ is our Higher Power.

Christian 12 Step Recovery

Monday Night
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Meeting in: 
Sam Murphy Hall

Facilitator: BJ Hall
